As a busy business owner, I simply do not take time to read nor answer many of the letters, advertisements, and e-mails that are sent to me on a daily basis. To be frank, many of these correspondences go to File 13 UNOPENED. But I am hoping that you will take time to read on, because this particular correspondence concerns YOU and millions of American citizens.
A new startup company, StrongCard International, has a revolutionary business model, business initiative, and business solution specifically designed for business owners that may very well revolutionize most economies. It could be a solution for preventing depressions, recessions, and volatile changes on Main Street. More succinctly, the expected outcomes of this business model and initiative are as follows:
· Growth and expansion of most businesses in most industries – Globally
· Steady increase in employment in most industries – Globally
· Dramatic cost cuts associated with credit/debit card processing fees for business owners – Globally
· Up to a 20% increase in end-users’ disposable income – Globally
· Development of self-funded businesses in most industries - Globally
Years of research and development have resulted in a most comprehensive, unique, and innovative business model and solution that can ultimately be the foundation for many economies going forward. For additional information, go to
If 2.5 Million Businesses hired an additional 10 people per business, that would be 25.0 Million new Jobs.
Let’s start with YOU!
P.S. Please feel free to forward this along to your family, friends, associates, businesses, or anyone else you think might be interested in this unique and innovative business initiative.
This is a solicitation message from StrongCard International, LLC. 7620 Frankstown Avenue Pittsburgh, Pa 15208
Legal Information Copyright 2011 StrongCard International, LLC. All rights reserved
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